We believe in and implement GREEN CONSTRUCTION to save the environment and conserve natural resources as much as possible, to keep a commitment to our society and future generations.
We are involved in commercial construction for offices, malls, industries, factories, etc. We are Government licensed contractors for civil and electrical works, and our expert field team is managed and supervised by a group of adequately qualified and well-experienced professionals.
Residential Construction
We are into the construction of houses, flats, villas, and different residential properties including procurement of statutory permissions for such constructions. Visit our service section for more detail about the services provided by us.
We professionally execute civil, electrical and erection works for telecom cell sites with a very expert team led by 18 years of experienced professionals in the telecom sector. We also upgrade telecom passive infrastructure as per customer needs.
We are Class-2 Government-recognized contractors working in various projects under the Karnataka government, defense, and metro rail. We also bid on various tenders from time to time.
We provide construction, renovation, up-gradation, and interior works for various renowned hotels, restaurants, and hospitals with very experienced and expert teams in the respective sectors.