Strong Room - a room for money or valuables specially constructed to be fireproof and burglarproof. Have started construction of Strong room for Bank in Kanakpura Road, Bangalore. Basic Requirements: Generally design will be provided by structural engineer based on the Bank requirement but below are the bare minimum requirement Bedding (floor) will be minimum of 6" using double layer of 12 mm rods. Spacing between the rods should be 6" in both way. Retaining wall should be minimum of 9" using 12 mm of vertical rods. Spacing between the rods should be 6" in both way. Even if roof is concrete but better to have steel cage using double layer16 mm rods. Spacing between the rods should be 3" in both way. Ventilator is must for air circulation. Double layer of steel doors to safeguard the lockers. Very basic electrical points for fan and lights. Provision for camera.